Anders Gaardmand kvartet
fredag den 27. december kl. 21:00 - 01:00
| 140 kr.Efter 10 år som succesfuld musiker i New York kom saxofonisten Anders Gaardmand tilbage til hjemlandet Danmark. Han har siden været en fast del af musikerne på La Fontaine i København. Hans funky saxspil bærer stadig energien fra hans ophold i USA.
- Anders Gaardmand – Sax
- Ben Besiakow – Piano
- Rune Fog – Bas
- David Besiakow – Trommer
Anders Gaardmand is one of the most talented saxophone players in Europe. After ten successful years as a saxophonist in New York, he returned to his home country, Denmark. The location has changed, but the energy remains the same.