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Jacob Fischer vil sikkert være kendt af de fleste, ikke mindst fra alle årene med Svend Asmussen eller de flere tusinde koncerter med Finn Ziegler og Hugo Rasmussen, men også for sine efterhånden mange år som en myreflittig del af jazzscenen, ikke mindst på det legendariske spillested La Fontaine.

Aftenens bassist er den unge Matthias Petri, en af de store, nye jazzmusikere i Danmark.

  • Jacob Fischer   – Guitar
  • Matthias Petri – Bas

Jacob Fischer is one of the most swingin’ guitar players around. Not only has he played with top Danish players like Svend Asmussen, but he is also in demand around the globe. Jacob Fischer is deeply rooted in the jazz tradition, but also with a great love and flavour for latin American and modern jazz. Bassist Matthias Petri is one of the new breed of excellent jazz musicians in the new generation.