LaFontaine@DropInn: KutiMangoes
tirsdag den 1. december 2020 kl. 19:00 - 22:00
| 100 kr.Koncerten foregår på Drop inn (Kompagnistræde 34)
Michael Blicher (sax, fløjte)
Gustav Rasmussen (trombon, guitar)
Aske Drasbæk (sax)
Johannes Buhl Andresen (rhodes, keyboards)
Casper Mikkelsen/Eddi Jarl (trommer)
Magnus Jochumsen (percussion)
Formed in 2012 by Gustav Rasmussen and Michael Blicher, The KutiMangoes respectfully took West African music and fused it with their own western musical backgrounds to create a new sound. From the beginning the band’s goal was not trying to play or sound like African musicians (how could they?) but all about mixing cultures to create a new, global expression.